Traditional West Indian Pelau with a healthy twist....
What you need to get started
1 head of Cauliflower
2 lbs of Chicken (wings or breast)
Olive Oil
Bell peppers
Tablespoon of Browning
1 Lime
Black Pepper
Parboil the lentils with about 3 cups of water and 2 heads of grated garlic until it becomes tender. Be mindful to not overcook the Lentils because you will be adding it to the stew later on.
While getting the Lentils nice and tender you can begin the process of stewing the chicken, if you are using chicken breast
I suggest cutting into slightly bigger than bite size pieces while simply cutting the wings in half will suffice.
Season according to taste with the parsley, paprika, black pepper and salt.
Chop up the bell peppers and onions and stew along with your chicken in a half cup of water, a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of browning.
Once the chicken has browned to your satisfaction add the lentils and a cup of water, boil until almost dry.
Grate your head of Cauliflower and in a separate pan add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a 1/4 cup of water.
Add grated garlic, salt and black pepper then saute the grated cauliflower. It is Important to stir so that the cauliflower is completely coated, cover and leave on low heat for about 5 to 8 minutes. Be careful not to over cook the cauliflower because it should be slightly al dente. Add to the chicken and lentils and mix well...
Enjoy your Pelau and don't forget to Be the Snack.